The following opportunities are examples of how we support the cultural development of pupils.
- The PSHE curriculum promotes a spiritual reflective approach to considering and celebrating difference and diversity between people.
- The History curriculum supports pupils acquiring and appreciating the origins and reasons for contemporary culture and society.
- Linked to learning about different faiths and beliefs, the RE curriculum provides opportunity to learn about diverse cultures.
- The school’s recorder club and choir, in addition to school singing practices and peripatetic music tuition in a variety of instruments, provide pupils with rich cultural learning opportunities through music.
- A range of musical, artistic and creative performances promote cultural appreciation and reflection of artistic, musical and thespian talents.
- Recognising and nurturing particular gifts and talents through competition and sharing successes outside school supports cultural development.
- The French curriculum celebrates French culture and traditions.
- Assemblies celebrate diverse cultures.
- Tolerance of others is promoted through behaviour policies and approaches to learning and working together in lessons.
- Special events, e.g. Olympics are focused on as curriculum themes or special events and provide opportunities for cultural development.