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Latest Sports Reports





School Games Cricket Festivals

Wednesday 5th June and Thursday 6th June 2024


We went to the above events at Ransomes Sports Club with a mixed team on the Wednesday and a girls’ team on the Thursday.


We played five games where we bowled and batted in pairs. We were successful with our overarm bowling and hit the wicket on several occasions, as well as successfully hitting some runs of 4. There was great communication between the pairs when they decided to make a run and during fielding. Our school value of collaboration was evident throughout the event.


Well done to everyone for their achievement on the day and throughout the lunchtime sessions!


Thank you to the parents for the transportation and support.



Over the Spring  term we have been very lucky to have Suffolk Cricket coaching some of our Year 3/4 as well as our Year 6. 


They have been learning catching, batting and bowling.  They have played some fun games during their learning incorporating collaboration and communication.


Cross Country


School Games Cross Country

20th March 2024



The results from the Cross-Country event have now been released and we are delighted to report on our results from the day.


First of all, the entry numbers were as follows:


Year 4 Boys               -           112

Year 4 Girls               -            88

Year 5 boys                -           104        

Year 5 Girls               -           112

Year 6 Boys               -           108

Year 6 Girls               -             92


We were extremely proud of all our children who competed and completed the course, but notably our successes on the day for the teams were:


Year 5 Boys Team 1  –  1st place

Year 5 Boys Team 2  –  9th place

Year 6 Boys Team 1  –  4th place

Year 6 Girls Team 1  –  2nd place


Individual successes listed for the top 20 were:


Year 5 Boys:


  • Rory  -  8th
  • Benjamin - 9th
  • Oliver H - 12th


Year 6 Boys:


  • Jahmai -   5th
  • Ned  - 11th


Year 6 Girls:


  • Darcey   -   3rd
  • Elsie    -   5th
  • Isabelle - 17th


Well done everyone!




School Games Cross Country

20th March 2024


We took 44 children to the cross country event held at Royal Hospital School.  Year 4 had to run 1500M and Years 5 and 6 2200M. Although it was a bright day, there was a very muddy area which did cause some issues with shoes!


We are proud to say that every child completed the course!

Our Year 4 children displayed some nerves to start with, but rose to the challenge and felt very proud at the end.


Our Year 5 children who had competed last year, found the length of the course far more challenging but showed resilience to run to the best of their ability. We had 2 boys finish in the top 10.


Our Year 6 children were the most relaxed, and we were delighted that Jahmai and Elsie finished 5th, with Darcey finishing in 3rd place!


Well done to everyone and thank you to parents and carers for coming to support them.







Premier Stars Festival


Premier Stars Festival

Wednesday 12th June 2024


We took a squad of 6 year 2 boys to Portman Road to play lots of football!


They participated in 12 games in a 4 v 4 format over the course of the afternoon and scored a total of 24 goals!


They all had an enjoyable afternoon playing on the practice pitch and represented the school with our values of character, collaboration and community.  We are very proud of them all. In addition, Mason and Kian won medals for the Premier League values for Be Fair and Albie won a medal for the Premier League value of Be ambitious.


Well done boys and thank you to the parents for your support and transportation.




Year 3 Girl


Suffolk FA U8 Girls Football Festival

Wednesday 6th March 2024


We took a squad of girls from Year 3 to the above festival at Ipswich Town Football Club.  The girls played a 4 v 4 format with no goalkeeper. 


The girls had a brilliant afternoon playing lots of matches and scored some great goals. They gained confidence to find space and run with the ball. They displayed sportsmanship and collaboration throughout and were a credit to the school!


Well done girls and thank you to the parents and carers who transported and supported them.


Year 4 Girl  


Suffolk FA U10 Girls Football Festival

Friday 8th March 2024


We took a squad of girls from Year 4 to the above festival at Ipswich Town Football Club.  The girls played a 4 v 4 format with no goalkeeper.


The girls had a brilliant afternoon playing lots of matches and scored some great goals. They displayed confidence, sportsmanship and collaboration throughout and were a credit to the school!


Well done girls and thank you to the parents and carers who transported and supported them.




Suffolk FA U8 Girls Football Festival

Tuesday 7th November 2023


We took a squad of girls from Year 4 to the above festival at Ipswich Town Football Club.  The girls played a 4 v 4 format with no goalkeepers so everyone was involved.  They were asked to referee their own games to gain a greater understanding of the rules.


The girls had a brilliant afternoon playing 8 games in total.  They displayed sportsmanship and collaboration throughout and grew in confidence during the afternoon!


Well done girls!




 Year 5/6 Boys


 Year 5/6 Girls

Suffolk FA U10 Girls Football Festival

Thursday 9th November 2023


We took a squad of girls from Year 5 to the above festival at Ipswich Town Football Club.  The girls played a 4 v 4 format with no goalkeepers so everyone was involved.  They were asked to referee their own games to gain a greater understanding of the rules.


The girls had a brilliant afternoon playing 8 games in total.  They displayed sportsmanship and collaboration throughout and were a credit to the school!


Well done girls!




School Games U11 Girls Futsal

26th March 2024


We took two teams to the above tournament at Ipswich Hockey Club.  One team played in compete and one team played in develop.


Our develop team showed excellent collaboration as year 5 and 6 girls played together. They took it in turns to play in goal and worked hard to pass the ball and score goals, most notable Alexa’s hat trick.  Although Amelia had a goal disallowed as it was deemed to have not crossed the line before the whistle went, she showed determination and went on to score in the next game!


Our compete team had a solid performance throughout.  From defending, to finding space to receive the ball, to forward runs and scoring goals.  They remained unbeaten in the heats and only lost 1.0 in the semi-final.  They then won the play offs to finish winning bronze and a place in the county final!


Well done girls and thank you to the parents and carers who transported and supported them.




School Games U11 Boys Futsal

Wednesday 20th March 2024


We took two teams to the above tournament at Ipswich Hockey Club.  One team played in compete and one team played in develop.


The boys displayed collaboration and sportsmanship, taking it in turns to play in goal.  They worked hard to score some brilliant goals and thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon.


Well done boys and thank you to the parents and carers who transported and supported them.






Panathlon Swimming Gala

Friday 15th March 2024


Some of our children from Years 5 and 6 participated in the Panathlon Swimming Gala at Crown Pools Ipswich. They swam: 25M freestyle, backstroke and relay, 10M freestyle and relay, played the slam dunk, raft race and treasure island.


They all swam with confidence and displayed collaboration throughout.  They also enjoyed a free swim at the end.


Well done to the team and thank you to the parents and carers who transported and supported them.





Panathlon School Games Clip ‘n Climb

Wednesday 7th February 2024


Our pupils who participated in the above event all rose to the experience brilliantly and challenged themselves to reach new heights! They were enthusiastic to attempt different challenges and demonstrated resilience to try their chosen wall again to improve on their achievement.


We were really proud of you all as well as your collaboration working with another school who were working alongside us.




Panathlon Bowling

Wednesday 22nd November 2023


We took some children from Years 5 and 6 to the Panathlon ten pin bowling at Martlesham. We played two games and experimented with technique during this time. The children displayed collaboration and were delighted when one of them achieved a strike or spare.


Well done everyone!







School Games -  Northampton Saints 

Tag Rugby Festival

Friday 17th November 2023


We took a squad of children from Year 5 to the above festival at St. Joseph’s College, Ipswich.


We had a brilliant morning using the skills we had learnt in PE and at our club.  They maintained a good defensive line as well as attacking with some great footwork to beat the opposition and score a try.


They displayed sportsmanship and collaboration throughout


Well done everyone!







Ten Pin Bowling