Help for Parents
Hints and Tips: Home Learning Routine
When a structured, organised and consistent routine is established at home, children feel safe, and secure especially in these difficult times. By creating a predictable daily routine, children also learn what to expect at various times of the day and experience a sense of control and satisfaction when they complete tasks. You will find a suggested timetable in the PDF home learning packs. We can not stress enough, that this is just suggested – it may work for you and your family but equally, it may not.
Find your new routines: Create them together as a family. As your routines at home has probably changed, it is crucial to establish a new one - a one that is simple and easy to follow for everyone. Work on getting these well-established so everyone knows what they are doing and when. Routines support behaviour and you will be finding a new rhythm for your family.
You could share the following links with your child.
Look for the positives: Because you need to be on the ball when things go wrong, it is easy to focus only on the unwanted behaviours and spend time addressing those with your children. If you can also catch them doing things right and praise this behaviour, you’re likely to get more of it. Embed positivity into your new routine and celebrate successes – no matter how big or small.
Could your daily routines include activities where your child is likely to make you proud? This does not have to be school work related.
Remember, there are no shortcuts:
The most important principle for teachers in managing behaviour is to get to know and understand each pupil individually. This is good news! You already know your child. Speak to your child and trust your judgement about what works and what might not necessarily work.
Create a home learning work space:
Choose a location based on your child's learning preferences.
Eliminate distractions.
Make it comfortable—but not too comfortable.
Ensure the learning space has good lighting.
Have all of your child's equipment readily available.
Remember, as a school, we are here to support you and your children in this difficult time.
Hints and Tips: Anxiety
Anxiety is an increasingly common problem among children and young people, with approximately 1 in 10 people experiencing it at some point in their lives.
Some level of anxiety is common to everyone. We only consider anxiety a disorder when it starts to have a significant impact on a person's day to day life and/or leads to a significant amount of distress. There are many different types of anxiety disorders and they all affect how children and young people think, feel and behave. Some are more common in young children and others in adolescents but they can all occur at any age.
Often, there’s no one single cause of anxiety. A range of different factors can contribute, such as genetic factors and stressful life events. Anxiety can fluctuate over time and at times of stress, such as family separations, school transitions and exam periods.
Please click on the images below for further help and support.
Hints and Tips: Low Mood and Depression
We all have periods when our mood is low, and we’re feeling sad or unhappy about life. These feelings usually pass over time and we get back to being ourselves.
Depression is a low mood that lasts for a long time, and affects your daily life. The feeling of depression is deeper, longer lasting and more unpleasant than the short periods of unhappiness that everyone experiences occasionally.
Anyone can get low, but someone is said to be suffering from depression (or depressed) when these feelings don’t go away quickly or become so bad they interfere with their everyday life. It is important to recognise that this can affect both adults and children.
Please click on the images below for further help and support.
Hints and Tips: Resilience
We use Learning Powers in school to help develop a common language that all children understand and can use confidently; this not only helps children enhance their learning, but provides a skill set that children can use and adapt throughout their lives – helping our children to be the best they can be!
Our focus this week is: resilience
‘the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.’
Resilience is important mostly for our mental health. It’s a life skill we take with us into adulthood. It is thought that the more resilient a person is, the less they experience stress as they are equipped to deal with life’s pressures. Building resilience in children helps them to overcome obstacles more easily and reduces the chances of them suffering from anxiety or other stress-related disorders.
How can you support your child in developing resilience